Where can i find the pronounciation of the french sounds, such as "on", "en", "au", "in"....etc.

Is there a site that provides this?

Yes, there are various resources available online where you can find the pronunciation of French sounds. One popular and reliable resource is Forvo (www.forvo.com). Forvo is a website that provides a vast collection of audio recordings of words and phrases in various languages, including French. You can simply search for the specific French words you mentioned, such as "on," "en," "au," "in," and listen to the pronunciation recordings contributed by native French speakers.

Another useful resource is the website of the International Phonetic Association (www.langsci.ucl.ac.uk/ipa/), which provides the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols for various languages, including French. IPA symbols are a standardized way of representing the sounds of different languages, and they can help you understand the pronunciation of French sounds in a more precise and technical manner.

Additionally, there are numerous YouTube channels and language learning websites that offer audio and video tutorials specifically focusing on French pronunciation. You can search for channels or websites that suit your learning preferences and explore their content to improve your pronunciation skills.