i need a biography of jodi lynn anderson. i can only find two line bio's at her publisher's sites. where else can i look?

Try your school library or city/county library.

Emily has a good idea. I didn't find a biography of Jodi Lynn Anderson -- so I assume one doesn't exist online. It's also possible that she is deliberately keeping her personal information a secret from the public.

To find a more detailed biography of Jodi Lynn Anderson, there are several places you can look outside of her publisher's sites. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Author's Website: Start by visiting Jodi Lynn Anderson's official website or blog, as many authors include a detailed biography along with their other works and updates.

2. Social Media Profiles: Check if she has any active social media accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Authors often provide additional information about themselves, including personal and professional backgrounds, on these platforms.

3. Interviews and Articles: Look for interviews with Jodi Lynn Anderson in magazines, literary websites, or author showcases. These sources often provide insights into an author's life and inspiration.

4. Literary Databases: Explore online literary databases like Goodreads, BookBrowse, or LibraryThing. These platforms usually contain author profiles with comprehensive biographical information, including interviews, articles, and links to various published works.

5. Press Releases and News Articles: Search for press releases, news articles, or features related to Jodi Lynn Anderson. These sources might offer more in-depth information about her life, accomplishments, and writing career.

6. Book Summaries or Study Guides: Some book summaries and study guides may feature a brief author biography or insights into the author's background. Websites like SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, or Schmoop might have this information.

By exploring these different sources, you should be able to find a more detailed biography of Jodi Lynn Anderson beyond the brief ones provided by her publisher's sites.