Creation of landforms??

Julie -- please make it clear what you want to know.

Erosion can be prevented in many ways. One way is to have plants in areas that may be eroded.

What does weathering erosion and deposition do?

Weathering breaks rocks down into smaller pieces...

Erosion is the process by which wind,ice,gravity,and moving ater carry away bits of rock.
Deposition is the process of dropping or depositing sediment to a new place.>:D

What are the 4 main causes of erosion?

The 4 main causes for erosion is wind,ice,water,and gravity.

The creation of landforms is a result of various geological processes that have been shaping the Earth's surface for millions of years. These processes can be broadly categorized into two types: tectonic and geomorphic.

1. Tectonic processes: These involve the movement of Earth's lithospheric plates, which interact with each other in different ways, leading to the formation of landforms.

- Plate Tectonics: The lithospheric plates interact at plate boundaries, where three main types of plate motions occur:
- Divergent Boundaries: When plates move apart, magma rises from the mantle, creating volcanic activity and leading to the formation of new crust. This process can result in the formation of features like mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys.
- Convergent Boundaries: When plates collide, one may be forced beneath the other (subduction). This can result in the formation of mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas, as well as volcanic arcs.
- Transform Boundaries: When plates slide past each other horizontally, it can lead to the formation of faults, such as the San Andreas Fault in California.

2. Geomorphic processes: These processes involve the gradual weathering, erosion, and deposition of materials on Earth's surface.

- Weathering: The breakdown of rocks by physical, chemical, or biological means. This can include processes like frost wedging, root wedging, and chemical reactions that weaken and break down rocks.
- Erosion: The transport of weathered materials by natural agents, such as water, wind, ice, or gravity. Erosion can carve out valleys, canyons, and other landforms.
- Deposition: The settling and accumulation of eroded materials in new locations. This can result in the formation of deltas, alluvial fans, and sedimentary layers.

Overall, the creation of landforms is a dynamic and ongoing process driven by natural forces that continuously shape and reshape the Earth's surface over geological timescales.

Prevention of erosion??

Landforms can be created by the tectonic plates