The marching band, cheerleaders, and chaperones are traveling by bus to play in the Citrus Bowl parade in Orlando. There are 216 bank members, 32 cheerleaders, and 40 chaperones making the trip. They can rent any number of one type of bus shown in the charter below.

Number of Passangers 20 32 44
Cost per Day $200 $265 $400

What is the least amount they must spend for everyone to travel to the Citrus Bowl? You have four options:

f)$1,855; g)$2,385; h)$2,800; i)$3,000

Can you please give me the answer and explain the procedure. Thank you very much for your help.

First, divide the total number, 288, by the number of passengers each bus can carry. Remember that you can't rent a part of a bus.

Then multiply each cost by the number of buses needed.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Bus No 1 : 20 people for 200

for 298 people = 298/20 = 14.9 ~ 15
15 * 200 = $3000

Bus No 2 : 32 people for 265
for 298 people = 298/32 = 9.3 ~ 10
10 * 265 = $2650

Bus No 3 : 44 people for 400
for 298 people = 298/44 = 6.7 ~ 7
7 * 400 = $2800

It seems like that one of the option is missing which is 2650 and smallest amount of all mentioned. Hope this helps.

I didn't get the same answer as John Smith.

Only 288 people are traveling, not 298.

Bus No 1 : 20 people for 200

for 288 people = 288/20 = 14.4 ~ 15
15 * 200 = $3000

Bus No 2 : 32 people for 265
for 288 people = 288/32 = 9
9 * 265 = $2385

Bus No 3 : 44 people for 400
for 288 people = 288/44 = 6.5 ~ 7
7 * 400 = $2800

Sorry got it wrong last time. but its ok now. Option g is correct answer

To find the least amount they must spend for everyone to travel to the Citrus Bowl, we need to determine the number of buses of each type needed to accommodate all the people.

Let's calculate the number of buses required for each group:
- For the marching band: 216 members ÷ 44 passengers per bus = 4.9 (rounded up to 5 buses)
- For the cheerleaders: 32 members ÷ 20 passengers per bus = 1.6 (rounded up to 2 buses)
- For the chaperones: 40 members ÷ 32 passengers per bus = 1.25 (rounded up to 2 buses)

Now, let's analyze the cost for each option:

Option f) $1,855:
- We need 5 buses for the band, which will cost 5 buses × $400 per bus = $2000.
- We need 2 buses for the cheerleaders, which will cost 2 buses × $200 per bus = $400.
- We need 2 buses for the chaperones, which will cost 2 buses × $265 per bus = $530.
- Total cost = $2000 + $400 + $530 = $2930

Option g) $2,385:
- We need 5 buses for the band, which will cost 5 buses × $400 per bus = $2000.
- We need 2 buses for the cheerleaders, which will cost 2 buses × $200 per bus = $400.
- We need 2 buses for the chaperones, which will cost 2 buses × $265 per bus = $530.
- Total cost = $2000 + $400 + $530 = $2930

Option h) $2,800:
- We need 5 buses for the band, which will cost 5 buses × $400 per bus = $2000.
- We need 2 buses for the cheerleaders, which will cost 2 buses × $200 per bus = $400.
- We need 2 buses for the chaperones, which will cost 2 buses × $265 per bus = $530.
- Total cost = $2000 + $400 + $530 = $2930

Option i) $3,000:
- We need 5 buses for the band, which will cost 5 buses × $400 per bus = $2000.
- We need 2 buses for the cheerleaders, which will cost 2 buses × $200 per bus = $400.
- We need 2 buses for the chaperones, which will cost 2 buses × $265 per bus = $530.
- Total cost = $2000 + $400 + $530 = $2930

From the calculations above, it can be seen that the cost for all the options is $2930. Therefore, the answer is not among the given options.