Design a modular program that asks the user to enter the replacement cost of

a building and then displays the minimum amount of insurance he or she should buy for the property.

To design a modular program that asks the user to enter the replacement cost of a building and then displays the minimum amount of insurance they should buy for the property, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by defining a function named `get_replacement_cost()` to read and return the replacement cost input from the user. Use the `input()` function to prompt the user to enter the replacement cost and then convert the input to a numeric value using `float()`.

2. Next, create a function named `calculate_insurance_amount()` that takes the replacement cost as a parameter. Inside this function, you can calculate the minimum insurance amount by multiplying the replacement cost by a percentage (usually between 80% and 100%). You can prompt the user to confirm the percentage based on their preference.

3. Finally, create a function named `display_insurance_amount()` that takes the insurance amount as a parameter and displays it to the user. You can use the `print()` function to format and output the result to the console.

Below is an example implementation in Python:

def get_replacement_cost():
return float(input("Enter the replacement cost of the building: "))

def calculate_insurance_amount(replacement_cost):
insurance_percentage = float(input("Enter the percentage of replacement cost to insure (e.g., 80% as 0.8): "))
insurance_amount = replacement_cost * insurance_percentage
return insurance_amount

def display_insurance_amount(insurance_amount):
print("The minimum amount of insurance to buy for the property is: $", insurance_amount)

# Main program
def main():
replacement_cost = get_replacement_cost()
insurance_amount = calculate_insurance_amount(replacement_cost)

# Run the main program

This modular program allows you to separate the different concerns into separate functions, making it easier to understand, test, and maintain each part of the program.