If I am writing the following as a poem, how would I punctuate it- would each letter at the beginning be a captial, would it have commas or a period.

We are room 204
Check out our door
It is clear to see
We choose to be drug free

When punctuating a poem, the rules can be flexible, as it largely depends on the style and intention of the poet. However, here's a suggestion on how to punctuate the given lines:

We are room 204.
Check out our door.
It is clear to see,
we choose to be drug-free.

In this case, each line ends with a period, indicating a complete thought or a pause. Each line begins with a capital letter, as is customary in sentence structure. The exception is the "we" in the fourth line, which is still lowercase, presumably for thematic or stylistic reasons. It's important to note that this is just one possible interpretation, and you have the freedom to experiment with your own creative choices.