The pahges in jacks book are numbered from the number 1, there are 555 didgits ow many pages in Jacks book

Oops - I see an error

There are 90 2-digit numbers, making 180 digits.

555 - 9 - 180 = 366
So, there are 122 3-digit pages, making 221 pages in all.


99-456= -356

To determine the number of pages in Jack's book based on the given information, we'll use the following steps:

1. Understand the problem:
The pages in Jack's book are numbered starting from 1, and there are a total of 555 digits. We need to find the number of pages in the book.

2. Analyze the given information:
Each page number contains either a single digit number, two-digit number, or three-digit number. We'll need to calculate the sum of the total digits on each page until we reach 555.

3. Calculate the number of pages:
To solve this problem, we'll iterate over the pages, adding up the number of digits on each page until we exceed 555. Let's write a simple algorithm to find the answer:

- Initialize a variable `totalDigits` as 0.
- Start iterating from page 1 until `totalDigits` exceeds 555.
- On each iteration, if the current page number is a single-digit number, add 1 to `totalDigits`.
- If the current page number is a two-digit number, add 2 to `totalDigits`.
- If the current page number is a three-digit number, add 3 to `totalDigits`.
- Stop iterating when `totalDigits` exceeds 555.
- The number of pages will be the current page number (minus 1) since the iteration stopped after exceeding 555.

Let's calculate the answer using this algorithm:

- Start with `totalDigits` = 0.
- Iterate from page 1 as follows:
- On page 1, we add 1 digit (1) to the `totalDigits`, resulting in `totalDigits` = 1.
- On page 2, we add 1 digit (2) to the `totalDigits`, resulting in `totalDigits` = 2.
- On page 3, we add 1 digit (3) to the `totalDigits`, resulting in `totalDigits` = 3.
- ...
- On page 12, we add 2 digits (12) to the `totalDigits`, resulting in `totalDigits` = 15.
- ...
- On page 111, we add 3 digits (111) to the `totalDigits`, resulting in `totalDigits` = 126.
- ...
- Continue this iteration until `totalDigits` exceeds 555.

After calculating the iteration, we find that the number of pages in Jack's book is 22.

There are 9 digits on pp 1-9

There are 90 digits on pp 10-99
That's 99 digits before page 100

The rest of the pages have 3 digits each.

555-99 = 456
456/3 = 152

So there are 99 + 152 = 251 pages