can you help me on this problem;;

here is the problem,
solve the equation. remember to gater like trems. FIRST!!

k-5 / 6 = -7 ?

If you mean (k-5)/6 = -7, then

k-5 = -42
k = -37

this is the question, gather the like terms.

8m -7 + 12- 15
and i got 8m= -2.

is this right?
if not wat do i do wrong?

You have no = sign :(

Oh I see what you want.

Well -7 +12 - 15 is
-7 - 3
which is

8 m is one term and -10 is the other

gathered they are
8 m -10
there is no equals to make an equation

Of course, I can help you with that problem! To solve the equation, you need to isolate the variable "k" on one side of the equation. Let's go through the steps together:

Step 1: First, we need to eliminate the fraction. We can do this by multiplying both sides of the equation by its denominator, which is 6. This will remove the fraction.

(k - 5) / 6 = -7
Multiply both sides by 6:
6 * (k - 5) / 6 = -7 * 6

k - 5 = -42

Step 2: Next, let's get rid of the -5 on the left side of the equation. We can do this by adding 5 to both sides of the equation.

k - 5 + 5 = -42 + 5

k = -37

Therefore, the solution to the equation is k = -37.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!