angela ate at the same restaurant four times each time she ate a salad and left a 5 dollar tip she spent a total of 54 dollars write and solve an equation to find the cost of each salad

4(s + 5) = 54

4s + 20 = 54

4s = 54 - 20

4s = 34

s = 34/4

s = 8.50

angela ate at the sMe restaurant four times. Each time she ordered a salad and left $5 tip. she spent a total of $54. write and alive an equation to fine the cost of each salad

Let's assume the cost of each salad is "x" dollars.

Since Angela ate at the same restaurant four times, the total amount she spent on salads will be 4x dollars.

In addition to the cost of the salad, she left a 5-dollar tip each time. So, the total amount spent on tips will be 4 * 5 = 20 dollars.

The total amount Angela spent, including the cost of the salads and the tips, was 54 dollars.

Therefore, the equation can be written as:
4x + 20 = 54

To solve this equation, we'll subtract 20 from both sides:
4x + 20 - 20 = 54 - 20
4x = 34

Lastly, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 4:
4x/4 = 34/4
x = 8.5

Therefore, the cost of each salad is 8.5 dollars.

To find the cost of each salad, let's assume that the cost of each salad is represented by the variable "x".

Given that Angela ate at the restaurant four times and left a $5 tip each time, we need to account for both the cost of the salads and the tips in our equation.

The equation to represent the total cost of Angela's meals can be written as:
4x + 4(5) = 54

Breaking down the equation:
- 4x represents the total cost of the four salads (each salad costs x dollars).
- 4(5) represents the total tip amount, as Angela left a $5 tip each time she ate.

Now, let's solve the equation:
4x + 20 = 54

Subtracting 20 from both sides of the equation:
4x = 34

Dividing both sides by 4:
x = 34/4

x = 8.50

Therefore, each salad costs $8.50.