Forty students participated in groups of 4-6. They were given a questionnaire to test their knowledge of the Black cultural stereotype. Subjects were asked to list the components of the stereotype.

After listing the components of the stereotype, subjects completed the Modern Racism Scale. This scale ranges from -14 to +14(high prejudice). Subjects were assigned to a high prejudice(N=21) or low prejudice group(N=19) based on the split of scores on the scale.
Find the independent variable values, and dependant value of the study.

I'm suppose to make a study map where it shows the different values(conditions) of the independant variable and the dependant variable...but I can't seem to figure out what is what.

I was thinking that since there are two tests administered, I was suppose to make two maps, but I'm not sure.

So for the second map, I was thinking that the two values(conditions) for the independant variable was

Score of N=19->low prejudice group
Score of N=21 -> high prejudice group

Any help is appreciated! thank you

In this study, the independent variable is the variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher. In this case, the independent variable is the level of prejudice. The participants were assigned to either a high prejudice group (N=21) or a low prejudice group (N=19) based on their scores on the Modern Racism Scale.

So, for your second map, you're correct that the two values or conditions of the independent variable would be:

Condition 1: High prejudice group - Score of N=21
Condition 2: Low prejudice group - Score of N=19

On the other hand, the dependent variable is the variable that is being measured or observed in the study. In this case, the dependent variable is the components of the Black cultural stereotype that the participants listed after being given the questionnaire. It is the outcome or response that researchers are interested in studying and comparing between the two groups.

Therefore, for your study map, you would need to list the independent variable values (prejudice groups) on one axis, and the dependent variable values (components of the stereotype) on the other axis. Don't forget to also include the number of participants in each group (N=21 for the high prejudice group and N=19 for the low prejudice group) in your study map.