how do you show your work on the problem 20u+ -6(u+5)

20u+ -6(u+5)

I'll be glad to check your answer.

i got 14u+ -30 but my work looks weird can you help me see if it right

20u+ -6(u+5)

20u - 6u - 30

14u - 30

I soon have to go to bed

yep thanks alot that's what i got

your just in time


You're welcome.

To show your work on the expression 20u - 6(u + 5), you will need to apply the distributive property and simplify the expression step by step. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Distribute the -6 to the terms inside the parentheses:
20u - 6(u + 5) = 20u - 6u - 30

Step 2: Simplify the terms separately:
20u - 6u = 14u

Step 3: Combine the simplified terms with the constant term -30:
14u - 30

So, the final simplified expression is 14u - 30.

To further clarify, here's the breakdown of the steps:

Expression: 20u - 6(u + 5)
1. Distribute the -6:
20u - 6u - 6(5)
Simplify: 20u - 6u - 30

2. Combine the like terms:
20u - 6u = 14u

3. Combine the simplified term with the constant term:
14u - 30

That's how you show your work for the expression 20u - 6(u + 5).