give and example of an angle that foes not have a complement. In general, what is true a about an angle that has a complement?

91 degrees

To find an example of an angle that does not have a complement, let's first review the concept of complementary angles. Complementary angles are two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees. In other words, if you have an angle with a measure of x degrees, its complement will have a measure of 90 - x degrees.

Now let's consider an example to find an angle that does not have a complement. Let's say we have an angle with a measure of 45 degrees. To find its complement, we subtract its measure from 90 degrees: 90 - 45 = 45 degrees. In this case, the given angle and its complement have the same measure, which means it does not have a complement.

In general, for an angle to have a complement, it must have a measure less than 90 degrees. If an angle has a measure greater than or equal to 90 degrees, it will not have a complement.

To summarize, an example of an angle that does not have a complement is an angle with a measure of 90 degrees or greater. An angle that has a complement is one that has a measure less than 90 degrees.

90 degrees