If your teacher tells you to do questions 6 through 19 in your math book for homework, how many questions is that?


( 19 - 6 ) + 1 = 13 + 1 = 14

6 - first question

7 - second question


To determine how many questions there are from question 6 through question 19, you can subtract the starting question from the ending question and add one.

In this case, the number of questions would be 19 - 6 + 1 = 14.

So, there are 14 questions from question 6 through question 19.

To find the number of questions from 6 to 19, you need to subtract the starting number (6) from the ending number (19) and then add 1. This is because you are counting the starting question (6) and the ending question (19) in addition to the numbers in between.

So, to calculate the number of questions, you can use the formula:
Number of questions = Ending question - Starting question + 1

In this case, it would be:
Number of questions = 19 - 6 + 1
Number of questions = 14

Therefore, if your teacher tells you to do questions 6 through 19 in your math book for homework, there are 14 questions in total.