in preparing budget for a day care center, you must plan for an amployer you must pay part of employees which tax

What are your choices?

When preparing a budget for a daycare center, it is important to account for taxes. As an employer, you are responsible for paying a portion of the taxes that apply to your employees. The specific taxes that employers generally contribute to include:

1. Social Security Tax: This tax funds the Social Security program, and both employers and employees are required to contribute. As an employer, you are responsible for paying a portion of your employees' Social Security tax. The current rate for employers is 6.2% of each employee's wages, up to a certain annual limit.

2. Medicare Tax: Similar to Social Security tax, employers are also responsible for contributing to Medicare tax on behalf of their employees. The current rate for employers is 1.45% of each employee's wages, with no annual limit. However, if an employee earns over a certain threshold, an Additional Medicare Tax of 0.9% must be withheld from their wages, and employers are responsible for remitting this tax as well.

It is important to consult with an accountant or tax professional to ensure accurate calculation and compliance with tax laws, as rates and regulations may change over time. Additionally, depending on the specific location and regulations, there may be additional taxes or fees that you need to account for in your budget.