I need to know if this is a phrase or dependent clause. the open bag of potato chips

with a bag of potatoes

The phrase "the open bag of potato chips" is not a dependent clause. It is a noun phrase that serves as the subject of a sentence or a complement to a verb or preposition.

To determine if "the open bag of potato chips" is a phrase or a dependent clause, we need to consider its structure and function within a sentence.

A phrase is a group of words that do not contain a subject and a verb, and it functions as a single part of speech within a sentence. On the other hand, a dependent clause is a group of words that contain a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence, as it relies on an independent clause to make sense.

In the case of "the open bag of potato chips," it does not contain a subject and a verb, so it cannot be a dependent clause. Instead, it is a noun phrase that functions as a modifier for another noun or noun phrase. In this example, it is modifying the noun "bag," specifying that it is open and filled with potato chips.

To identify whether a group of words is a phrase or a dependent clause, always look for the presence of a subject and a verb. If these elements are not present, it is most likely a phrase.

We can't tell without the entire sentence.

If you want help, please post the whole sentence.

Writeacher already explained the difference between clauses and phrases. Please go back and read that post.