Please answer these problem for me.Thanks so much.

1. Border's Bookstore ordered 800 art books. On verifying the order, only 160 books were actually received. The percent of the order missing was:

2. The net price equivalent rate of 9/15/18 is:

3. If the net price of a stove is $900 and the trade discount rate is 40 percent, the list price is (complement):

4. 200 days from March 3 is:

1. To find the percent of the order missing, you need to calculate the difference between the number of books actually received and the number of books ordered, and then express it as a percentage of the number of books ordered.

Formula: Percent missing = ((Number of books ordered - Number of books received) / Number of books ordered) * 100

Using the given information:
Number of books ordered = 800
Number of books received = 160

Percent missing = ((800 - 160) / 800) * 100
Percent missing = (640 / 800) * 100
Percent missing = 0.8 * 100
Percent missing = 80%

Therefore, the percent of the order missing is 80%.

2. To find the net price equivalent rate for a given date, you need to divide the net price amount by the total price of the item and express it as a percentage.

Formula: Net price equivalent rate = (Net price amount / Total price) * 100

Using the given information:
Net price amount = 9
Total price = 15

Net price equivalent rate = (9 / 15) * 100
Net price equivalent rate = 0.6 * 100
Net price equivalent rate = 60%

Therefore, the net price equivalent rate of 9/15 is 60%.

3. To find the list price (complement) of a stove, given the net price and trade discount rate, you need to divide the net price by the complement of the trade discount rate.

Formula: List price (complement) = Net price / (1 - Trade discount rate)

Using the given information:
Net price = $900
Trade discount rate = 40% = 0.4

List price (complement) = 900 / (1 - 0.4)
List price (complement) = 900 / 0.6
List price (complement) = 1500

Therefore, the list price (complement) of the stove is $1500.

4. To find the date that is 200 days from March 3, you need to add 200 days to the given date.

Using the given date: March 3

First, convert the given date to a numerical value. In this case, March 3 can be represented as 3.

Add 200 days to the given date:
New date = 3 + 200
New date = 203

Therefore, 200 days from March 3 is the date March 3 + 200 days = March 3 + 200 = March 23.