Reasonnablenes the flag that Nico waves has an odd number in the ones place and even number in the tens place.what flag does he wave? Number on racing flag red flag 25 blue flag14 yellow 32 green flag 6 orange flag 17

red flag

The secret number has a 7 in the on place. The tens number is a ann odd number.

What do you think is the answer?

red flag 25

To determine which flag Nico waves based on the given condition, let's analyze the digits of each flag's number:

1. Red flag 25: The ones place is 5 (odd) and the tens place is 2 (even).
2. Blue flag 14: The ones place is 4 (even) and the tens place is 1 (odd).
3. Yellow flag 32: The ones place is 2 (even) and the tens place is 3 (odd).
4. Green flag 6: The ones place is 6 (even) and there is no tens place.
5. Orange flag 17: The ones place is 7 (odd) and the tens place is 1 (odd).

The only flag that satisfies the given condition (odd number in the ones place and even number in the tens place) is the Red flag with the number 25. Therefore, Nico waves the Red flag.