Bethany has 43 apples. Write a subtraction story about the apples that would require regroping. Then write the answer in a complete sentence.

Bethany has 43 apples. She gave 15 of them to her neighbor. How many does she have left?


To write a subtraction story about Bethany's apples that would require regrouping, we can imagine the following scenario:

Bethany had 43 apples, and she decided to divide them equally among her 4 friends. However, she realized that each friend could only have a maximum of 9 apples. In this case, we need to regroup and subtract in order to find out how many apples Bethany will have left after giving her friends their fair share.

Subtraction story: Bethany had 43 apples. She shared 9 apples with each of her 4 friends.

To solve this problem through regrouping, we can start by subtracting 4 groups of 9 apples from the 43 apples:

43 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9

Subtracting 9 from 43, we have:

43 - 9 = 34

Now, we have 34 apples left. Subtracting another 9:

34 - 9 = 25

Continuing this process, we subtract another 9:

25 - 9 = 16

Lastly, subtracting the final 9:

16 - 9 = 7

Therefore, Bethany will have 7 apples left after sharing 9 apples with each of her 4 friends.

Answer: After sharing 9 apples with each of her 4 friends, Bethany will have 7 apples remaining.