Show that the active CCA against ElGamal encryption given in the lecture does not work when

against the Cramer-Shoup encryption.

To demonstrate that the active chosen ciphertext attack (CCA) against ElGamal encryption does not work against Cramer-Shoup encryption, we need to understand the fundamental differences between these two cryptosystems.

ElGamal encryption is an asymmetric encryption scheme based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It operates over a cyclic group, typically a subgroup of a large prime order. The security of ElGamal encryption is based on the difficulty of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem.

Cramer-Shoup encryption, on the other hand, is a more advanced asymmetric encryption scheme that provides stronger security guarantees. It is designed to be secure against chosen ciphertext attacks, while still being efficient. Similar to ElGamal, Cramer-Shoup encryption builds upon the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and operates on a cyclic group.

Now, let's explain why the active CCA against ElGamal does not work against Cramer-Shoup.

1. Security Against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks (CCA):
ElGamal encryption is vulnerable to chosen ciphertext attacks. In an active CCA, an attacker can manipulate ciphertexts to learn information about the plaintext or even obtain the decryption key.

In contrast, Cramer-Shoup encryption is specifically designed to be secure against chosen ciphertext attacks. It incorporates additional mathematical techniques, such as the Cramer-Shoup cryptographic proof system, to prevent the attacker from learning any useful information even when manipulating ciphertexts.

2. Encryption and Decryption Algorithms:
ElGamal encryption involves exponentiation in the group, along with modular arithmetic operations. The encryption process is relatively simple, where the plaintext is multiplied by a randomly chosen group element and raised to a power. Decryption requires computing the discrete logarithm to recover the plaintext.

Cramer-Shoup encryption, on the other hand, employs a more complex encryption and decryption process. It utilizes a set of mathematical formulas involving modular exponentiation, hash functions, and symmetric cipher operations. These additional components contribute to the security of Cramer-Shoup against active CCA.

Overall, Cramer-Shoup encryption is designed to provide greater security guarantees than ElGamal encryption, especially when it comes to chosen ciphertext attacks. Its advanced mathematical techniques and encryption scheme make it resilient against the attacks that can break ElGamal.

In conclusion, the active CCA that works against ElGamal encryption does not work against Cramer-Shoup encryption due to the underlying differences in their security design and encryption algorithms.