what me llamo vega juan es mi nombre y vegaes mi mean

I think you should have asked

What does "me llamo Vega -- Juan es mi nombre y Vega es mi apellido" mean?

It means "I am called Vega -- Juan is my given name and Vega is my surname"

And shouldn't you have posted under the name "anónimo"?

:) Also for "Me llamo Vega" a translation is "My name is Vega" because literally (word for word) it says "I call myself Vega."

Good work, Steve!


me llamo juan vega. juan es mi nombre y vega es mi

It seems like you provided a sentence in Spanish. The sentence "me llamo vega juan es mi nombre y vega es mi mean" translates to "My name is Vega Juan, and Vega is my mean." However, it is unclear what you mean by "vega is my mean." If you could please clarify, I would be happy to help you further.