Julia is reading a 456-page book. During the past 7 days she has read 168 pages. If she continues reading at the same rate, how many more days will it take her to complete the book?

Leon had $628 and Wayne had $2371. Every month, Leon saves $28 while Wayne saves $7. How many months will it take for both to have the same amount of money?

456-168 = 288

7(288/168) = ?

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628 + 28x = 2371 + 7x

Solve for x.

To determine the number of days it will take for Julia to complete the book, we need to find out how many pages she reads per day. We can calculate this by dividing the total number of pages Julia has already read by the number of days she has been reading.

Let's calculate the average number of pages Julia reads per day:
Average pages read per day = Total pages read / Number of days
Average pages read per day = 168 pages / 7 days
Average pages read per day = 24 pages

Now that we know the average number of pages Julia reads per day, we can determine how many more days it will take for her to complete the book. We calculate this by subtracting the number of pages she has already read from the total number of pages in the book and dividing the result by the average number of pages she reads per day.

Remaining pages = Total pages - Pages read
Remaining pages = 456 pages - 168 pages
Remaining pages = 288 pages

Number of days to complete the book = Remaining pages / Average pages read per day
Number of days to complete the book = 288 pages / 24 pages
Number of days to complete the book = 12 days

Therefore, it will take Julia an additional 12 days to complete the book if she continues reading at the same rate.