Are ninjas real?

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Ninjas were mercenary warriors in feudal Japan -- so they were real. Ninjas do not exist today.

It was a real question..I have to write an oral report on ancient beings.

Yes, ninjas were real historical figures in ancient Japan. However, popular culture and media have often exaggerated and romanticized their abilities and exploits. If you're interested in learning more about ninjas, you can find information in various ways:

1. Books and educational resources: Check out reputable historical books or articles that delve into the history and culture of ancient Japan. Look for titles that specifically focus on the history of ninjas or the feudal era of Japan.

2. Online research: Conduct a simple internet search using trusted sources like academic journals, educational websites, or museum collections. Websites such as cultural heritage organizations or university archives often provide reliable information about ninjas.

3. Documentaries and films: Watch documentaries or historical films that explore the history of ninjas. Keep in mind that fictional movies and shows may incorporate exaggerated elements, so try to find documentaries that provide accurate historical information.

By utilizing these resources, you can gain a better understanding of the historical facts related to ninjas and separate them from fictional portrayals.