How can communication shape human behavior?

pls help

If we don't listen and speak, how can we survive as human beings?

What are your thoughts on this question?

There are books written on this. Do you have a specific type of communication in mind: written, spoken, paralanguage, kinesics, proxemics or other?

Communication plays a vital role in shaping human behavior. It influences the way people think, feel, and act. Here are a few ways in which communication can shape human behavior:

1. Information Exchange: Communication allows the transfer of knowledge, ideas, and information between individuals or groups. Through conversations, discussions, or media platforms, people learn from one another, gain new perspectives, and acquire information that can influence their behavior.

2. Social Norms: Communication helps in the establishment, transmission, and reinforcement of social norms. Social norms are shared standards of behavior within a particular society or community. Through communication, these norms are communicated and reinforced, shaping people's behavior to adhere to these expectations.

3. Persuasion and Influence: Effective communication has the power to persuade and influence people's beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Advertising, political speeches, and educational campaigns are examples of how communication techniques are used to influence behavior by appealing to people's emotions, values, and desires.

4. Socialization: Communication is essential for socialization, which is the process through which individuals learn the values, norms, and behaviors of their culture or society. Communication within families, schools, and other social institutions helps transmit societal expectations, attitudes, and behavioral patterns to new generations.

5. Conflict Resolution: Communication plays a significant role in managing conflicts and shaping behavior by facilitating dialogue and understanding between conflicting parties. Effective communication techniques such as active listening, empathy, and open dialogue can help resolve conflicts, improve relationships, and influence behavior changes.

To better understand how communication shapes human behavior, you can study various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and communication studies. These fields provide theories, research methodologies, and insights to explore the relationship between communication and behavior in different contexts.