Assume that a population size at time t is N(t) and that N(t)=40 x 2^t , t>0.

Show that N(t)=40e^t ln2

Can someone please guide me step by step on this question? Im really confused. thanks.

I tried to work it out, and this is what I got.

N(t)= 40 x 2^t
= 40 x ln 2^t
= 40 x t ln 2

changing the base of a log: Alg II

I'm sorry, I still don't understand

by definition, 2 = e^(ln 2)

Therefore, 2^t = e^(ln 2)^t = e^(t ln 2)

Make sense yet?

Now, ln (2^t) = t * ln 2

So, ln N = ln 40 + t ln 2

To show that N(t) = 40e^t ln2, we can use the properties of exponential and logarithmic functions. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Given N(t) = 40 x 2^t, we want to rewrite it in the form 40e^t ln2.

2. Start by expressing 2^t as e^(t ln 2). The reason for this is that the natural base of the exponential function e is related to the logarithm function ln.

3. We know that ln(x^a) = a ln(x) using the logarithmic property. Therefore, we can rewrite 2^t as e^(t ln 2).

4. Substitute the expression into N(t):

N(t) = 40 x e^(t ln 2).

5. Rearrange the factors:

N(t) = 40e^t ln2.

And that's the desired result: N(t) = 40e^t ln2.