Could you please check these two sentences, please?

1) Dorian wishes he would stay young forever whereas the portrait would grow old in his place.
2) According to Wordsworth, man and nature are (were) two different but inseparable parts of the same universe, a total scheme created by God, or rather by a Mighty Power.
3) Poems should be written in a selection of language really used by men, as far as possible from poetic diction and as near as possible to the language of people living in the country.

1) Dorian wishes that he could stay young forever and that the portrait would grow old in his place.

2) According to Wordsworth, man and nature are two different, but inseparable, parts of the same universe, a total scheme created by God, or rather by a Mighty Power.

3) Poems should be written in language really used by people, as far as possible from poetic diction, and as near as possible to the language of people living in the country.

Sure, I can check those sentences for you. Here are my suggestions:

1) Dorian wished he could stay young forever while the portrait grew old in his place.
2) According to Wordsworth, man and nature are two different yet inseparable parts of the same universe, a complete scheme created by God or a Mighty Power.
3) Poems should be written in a language that reflects the everyday use of people, avoiding poetic diction and aiming for a language similar to that spoken by those who live in the countryside.

These suggestions involve minor changes to improve clarity and flow. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Sure! I can help check your sentences for you. Here are the revisions:

1) Dorian wishes to stay young forever, while the portrait would age in his stead.

2) According to Wordsworth, man and nature are two distinct yet inseparable components of the same universe—a comprehensive scheme established either by God or by a Mighty Power.

3) Poems should be written in a language that reflects the everyday speech of people, avoiding poetic diction and striving to resemble the language used by individuals living in the countryside.

Please note that these revisions aim to enhance clarity and readability while preserving the original meaning of the sentences.