What does this mean:

Sie sind sehr hubsch.

You are very good-looking.

There should be an umlaut over the u in "hubsch". It means various degrees of "good-looking" or "nice", applied to a person.
for some synonyms.

I question whether the formal "Sie" would be used with such a flattering statement. Perhaps in some cases and places, as a "pickup line".

[german] Sie sind sehr hübsch. = [en] You (formal) are very beautiful.

The phrase "Sie sind sehr hübsch" is German and it means "You are very pretty" in English. "Sie" is the formal form of "you" in German, and "sind" is the conjugated form of the verb "sein" which means "to be". "Sehr" means "very" and "hübsch" means "pretty" or "handsome". So, altogether the phrase translates to "You are very pretty" in English.

If you come across a phrase or word in a different language that you don't understand, one way to find its meaning is by using an online translation tool such as Google Translate. To use it, simply type or paste the phrase into the designated text box, choose the appropriate source and target languages, and click on the translate button. The tool will then provide you with the translation of the phrase or word.

It's always a good idea to double-check the translation using multiple sources, such as online dictionaries or language learning platforms, to ensure accuracy. Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about a particular language, you can enroll in language courses, use language learning apps, or consult grammar books to deepen your understanding.