what rhetorical device does hawthrone use to reveal hester prynne's past? What do we learn about her?

To determine the rhetorical device Hawthorne uses to reveal Hester Prynne's past and what we learn about her, we will need to analyze the text. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Identify the specific passage or chapter where Hester Prynne's past is revealed. This will help pinpoint the rhetorical device used.

2. Look for any literary techniques employed by Hawthorne in this passage, such as symbolism, imagery, irony, or foreshadowing. These devices can provide insight into how Hester Prynne's past is revealed.

3. Analyze the context and language used in the passage. Pay attention to the descriptions, metaphors, and any other literary elements that help convey information about Hester Prynne's past.

4. Consider the broader implications of the revelation. Look for any themes or motifs that emerge from the passage and how they relate to Hester Prynne's characterization.

By following these steps, you can identify the rhetorical device used by Hawthorne, analyze the details surrounding Hester Prynne's past, and understand what we learn about her character from the text.