How many kilocalories are released by freezing 4.6 moles of H20?

4.6 moles x heat fusion.

Remember to use the heat of fusion in cal/mole OR change the 4.6 moles H2O to grams. grams = moles x molar mass.

To determine the amount of kilocalories released by freezing 4.6 moles of H2O, we need to use the enthalpy of fusion of water (ΔHfus). The equation needed is:

q = n * ΔHfus

q is the amount of heat energy in kilocalories
n is the number of moles of substance
ΔHfus is the molar enthalpy of fusion of the substance

First, we need to find the value of the molar enthalpy of fusion of water, which is 6.01 kilocalories per mole (or 6.01 kcal/mol).

Now, substitute the known values into the equation:

q = 4.6 moles * 6.01 kcal/mol

Calculating the result:

q = 27.646 kcal

Therefore, freezing 4.6 moles of H2O releases approximately 27.646 kilocalories of energy.