You are designing a web page for you school's biology club. You want to include photos of the members on the page, which has a width of 640 pixels. You've decided that the left and right magins should be 24 pixels each and the space between each picture should be 16 pixels. How wide can each picture be to fit four across the width of th page.

640 - 24 - 24 = 592

592 - 16 - 16 - 16 = 544
544/4 = ?

A 38 divide x = 6+2 B 38 = 2 x+6 C 38 6 x + 2 D 38 = X/6 + 2

To determine the width of each picture, we need to subtract the margins and spacing from the total width of the page.

Total width of the page: 640 pixels
Left margin: 24 pixels
Right margin: 24 pixels
Spacing between pictures: 16 pixels

First, subtract the left and right margins from the total width:
640 - (24 + 24) = 592 pixels

Next, subtract the total spacing between pictures:
592 - (16 + 16 + 16) = 544 pixels

To find the width of each picture, divide the remaining width by the number of pictures (four in this case):
544 / 4 = 136 pixels

Therefore, each picture can be 136 pixels wide to fit four across the width of the page.

To determine the width of each picture that can fit four across the width of the web page, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by subtracting the left and right margins from the total width of the page: 640px - (24px + 24px) = 640px - 48px = 592px.

2. Next, subtract the total space between each picture from the remaining width: 592px - (16px × 3) = 592px - 48px = 544px.

3. Finally, divide the remaining width by the number of pictures: 544px ÷ 4 = 136px.

Therefore, each picture can have a width of 136 pixels to fit four across the width of the page.