The legal business is a __________ industry. (Points: 5)


is it "Statutory"

I disagree. Check your book.

its Service


To determine the correct answer, let's take a closer look at the options and what they mean.

1. Regulatory: This term refers to the enforcement of rules and regulations by government agencies. While regulation is a component of the legal industry, it is not the correct answer in this case as it does not encompass the entire industry.

2. Statutory: Statutory refers to laws that are enacted by a legislative body. While laws play a significant role in the legal industry, they do not indicate the overall nature of the industry itself.

3. Service: Service refers to providing assistance or performing a task for someone. In the legal industry, professionals provide various services such as legal advice, representation, and document drafting. While this option is one aspect of the legal business, it does not represent the industry as a whole.

4. Judicial: Judicial relates to the judiciary, which is the branch of government responsible for the interpretation and application of the law. It involves courts, judges, and legal proceedings. While the judicial branch is a crucial component of the legal industry, it does not encompass the entire industry.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is "service." However, it is important to note that the legal industry is diverse and involves multiple components, including regulatory, statutory, service, and judicial. Therefore, while "service" best represents the industry as a whole, it is essential to recognize the other aspects as well.