I've chosen five sentences but I hope the other were possible.Thank you.

1) What are people intolerant about (is "of" also possible)? They are intolerant about the color of the skin, religion and clothes.
2) In the past, she got hurt (is "offended" possible?) by people's comments.
3) It's better not to get offended by people's comments. We should try as much as possible to be tolerant about (of?) people of other religions or with a different skin color.
4)We shouldn't judge people by the way they are dressed (clothes style?) but by their character. We shouldn't judge people by appearances.
5) I think Jews and Palestinians, Muslims and Christians should learn how to live together and suspend hostilities.

1. Usually "of" but "about" works, too.

2. Yes, both are possible.

3. "of" (not "about")

4. delete words in parentheses

5. OK

take out ( ).

1) Yes, it is possible to use "intolerant of" instead of "intolerant about" in the sentence. Both phrases convey the same meaning and are commonly used interchangeably. To understand how to use prepositions correctly, it is helpful to consider the context and meaning you want to convey. In this case, either preposition can be used to explain what people are intolerant of.

2) Yes, it is possible to use "offended" instead of "hurt" in the sentence. Both words convey the idea that someone's feelings were negatively affected by people's comments. However, the degree of emotional impact may vary between being hurt and being offended.

3) Yes, it is possible to use "tolerant of" instead of "tolerant about" in the sentence. Both phrases convey the same meaning and can be used interchangeably. The choice between the prepositions "about" and "of" depends on personal preference and the specific context in which you are expressing tolerance.

4) Yes, it is possible to use "clothes style" instead of "the way they are dressed" in the sentence. Both phrases convey the same meaning, emphasizing the importance of not judging people based on their choice of clothing. The use of "clothes style" specifically highlights the particular fashion choices individuals make.

5) Yes, you have correctly expressed that Jews and Palestinians, Muslims and Christians should learn how to live together and suspend hostilities. This statement promotes peace and coexistence between different religious and cultural groups. By using the term "suspend hostilities," you are suggesting that the groups should temporarily stop their conflicts and work towards finding common ground and understanding.