Thoreau writes that people should be "mining themselves for gold." By this he is stating, in another way, the ideal of Socrates, which was to

A. know thyself.
B. deny thyself to learn what is valuable.
C. live and let live.
D. put first things first

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the given statement and the options provided.

Thoreau's quote "mining themselves for gold" suggests that people should explore and delve into their inner selves to discover something valuable or of great worth. This concept aligns with the ideal of Socrates, who famously stated "know thyself." Socrates believed that self-knowledge was essential for personal growth and understanding.

Based on this information, the correct answer is A. "know thyself," as it embodies the idea of mining oneself for valuable knowledge and insight, which is consistent with Thoreau's perspective.