Please check my answer thanks :)

Find the equation of 9 (2x-18)=36

9(2x)-9 (18) =36
18-162 =36
18-162 =36
18x162 =36
+162 +162
18x =198

18x 198
18 =18

x =11

yes it is correct

9 (2x-18)=36

18 x - 162 = 36
18 x = 198
x = 11
I agree with your answer but trouble following your steps.

To check your answer, substitute the value of x that you found (x = 11) back into the original equation and solve to see if both sides are equal:

9(2x - 18) = 36

Plug in x = 11:

9(2(11) - 18) = 36

Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses:

9(22 - 18) = 36

Simplify inside the parentheses:

9(4) = 36

Multiply 9 by 4:

36 = 36

Since both sides of the equation are equal, this confirms that your answer x = 11 is correct. Well done!