_________of the vehicle is the likely consequence of failture to make the required loan payments.

D.Loss of warranty
i got D


Please make sure you understand the definitions of all of your answers.

wait i think i got it is it B ?

Yes. If a person doesn't make the required loan payments, the dealer will take it back.

okay thank you !

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze each option and see which one logically follows from the failure to make loan payments. Let's break down each option:

A. Theft: Failure to make loan payments does not directly result in theft. Theft occurs when someone unlawfully takes possession of someone else's property.

B. Repossession: This is a plausible consequence of failing to make the required loan payments. If you do not fulfill your loan obligations, the lender can repossess the vehicle, meaning they can legally take it back.

C. Destruction: While financial troubles can potentially lead to the destruction of a vehicle, it is not typically a direct consequence of failing to make loan payments.

D. Loss of warranty: Failure to make loan payments may not directly result in the loss of warranty. The warranty terms and conditions depend on the agreement between the vehicle manufacturer and the owner, rather than the loan payments.

Based on the analysis above, the most likely consequence of failing to make the required loan payments is B. Repossession.