What references in the muslim accounts particularly suggest a distain for European backwardness? What is the jealousy passage all about: given Muslim (and Christian) views about men's rights concerning women, why was this probably a backhand insult, designed to stimulate further distain against christians?

Bob Thomas, please to what "accounts" are you referring? Before we can help you, we need to know your reference. Many thanks for asking Jiskha.

Is it pork?

It seems that you are referring to some specific Muslim accounts or sources that suggest disdain for European backwardness. However, without specific references or context, it is difficult to provide a detailed answer.

Muslim accounts can be found in various historical texts, including works of historians, travelers, and scholars from the medieval period. These accounts may contain observations, opinions, or perceptions about different regions, cultures, or civilizations, including Europe.

To explore Muslim viewpoints on European backwardness, it would be necessary to examine specific accounts from Muslim scholars or travelers who expressed such sentiments. Some examples of historical texts that might contain relevant information include the writings of Ibn Battuta, Ibn Khaldun, or Al-Idrisi. Additionally, analyzing the works of Muslim scholars who lived during the medieval period, such as Al-Farabi or Ibn Sina, may also provide insights into their views on European civilization.

Regarding the "jealousy passage," it is unclear which specific passage you are referring to. However, in general, it is important to consider the historical context and individual perspectives when interpreting passages or statements from historical texts. Different authors may have had diverse views, and it is incorrect to assume that the opinions expressed by one individual represent the views of an entire civilization or religion.

As for your last question, "Is it pork?" I'm not sure what you are specifically referring to. Could you please provide more context so I can better understand your question?