who is the speaker in Sandburg's "grass"

the Grass

Since the last line is "I am the grass. I cover all," what do you think?


Good example of personification, don't you think? :)


The speaker in Sandburg's poem "Grass" is the grass itself. The poem is written from the perspective of the grass, giving it a sense of agency and voice. The speaker describes the role of grass in history, particularly in relation to war and the burying of soldiers. It embodies the resilience and persistence of nature, as well as the idea that the memories and stories of those buried in the grass will live on.

To determine the speaker in any poem, it is important to carefully read and analyze the text. Look for clues within the poem itself, such as the use of pronouns, perspective, and descriptions. Consider the tone, language, and imagery used to determine who is speaking or from whose perspective the poem is being written. In the case of Sandburg's "Grass," the speaker refers to its experiences and observations, leading to the realization that it is the grass itself that is conveying the message.