got a project about you need to find 12 pictures to suit the vales like line texture and etc

Please explain this part: "to suit the vales."


For finding pictures that suit specific values such as line texture and others, you can follow these steps:

1. Define your values: Start by making a list of the specific values you need to find pictures for. Examples could include line texture, color harmony, symmetry, perspective, depth, contrast, balance, or any other visual elements or principles of design.

2. Conduct online image searches: Use search engines or image repositories, such as Google Images, Unsplash, Pixabay, or Shutterstock, to find images based on your values. Enter specific keywords related to each value, combining them with terms like "photography," "illustration," "artwork," or "visual examples."

3. Refine your search: If you get too many unrelated results, try using modifiers to narrow down the search. For example, if you're looking for line texture, you can add terms like "abstract lines," "geometric patterns," or "fine art lines" to find more suitable images.

4. Explore different sources: Don't limit yourself to a single platform. Try multiple sources to broaden your options and find high-quality images that best represent your values. Each platform might have unique content and search capabilities.

5. Evaluate the images: As you find potential images, evaluate them against your defined values. Consider factors such as the intensity of the value, the prominence of the element in the image, and the overall visual appeal. Make sure the images align with the intended purpose of your project.

6. Document and organize: Save the chosen images along with their source information to properly credit the creators. Create a document or folder to keep track of the images and their corresponding values. This will help you stay organized and make it easier to reference later.

Remember, the selection of images largely depends on personal interpretation, so trust your artistic judgement and be creative in finding images that effectively represent your chosen values.