1) the seventh grade class has been collecting aluminum cans for recycling. the class has collected 210 cans. their goal is to collect 520 cans. write an equation and estimate the number aluminum cans needed to reach their goal.

i got this:
c + 210 = 520: 350, 320, 310
c = 310
is this all i have to do to answer the question?

2) a seamstress bought some bolts of fabrice at $25.30 each. she spent a total of $227.70 . write an equation and estimate the number of bolts of fabric that she purchases.

i got: b25.30 = $227.70: 8,7 9
b= 9

3) for you party you purchased ballons for $.79 each. You spent a total of $11.85. Write an equation and estimate the number of balloons purchased,
i got: b.79 is 11.85
b= 15
15 x .79= $11.85
is this right?

i know its 2 part question but not sure if im answering all 3 questions right.

Well clearly you did not get it well you kind of do but you don't its confusing really and god I miss someone but i can say any way yeah you kind off got it right

Thanks Shawn!

For the first question, you correctly set up the equation c + 210 = 520, where c represents the number of cans needed to reach the goal. Then you solved the equation and found that c = 310. This means that the class needs 310 more cans to reach their goal of 520. However, you also asked if this is all you have to do to answer the question. In addition to finding the number of cans needed, you could also estimate the number of aluminum cans needed to reach the goal. In this case, you could round the number 310 to the nearest ten or hundred to get an estimate.

For the second question, you correctly set up the equation b * 25.30 = 227.70, where b represents the number of bolts of fabric purchased. Then you solved the equation and found that b = 9. This means that the seamstress purchased 9 bolts of fabric. Again, in addition to finding the exact number of bolts purchased, you could also estimate the number of bolts by rounding.

For the third question, you correctly set up the equation b * 0.79 = 11.85, where b represents the number of balloons purchased. Then you solved the equation and found that b = 15. This means that you purchased 15 balloons. Similar to the previous questions, you could also estimate the number of balloons by rounding.


yes, however, most people use estimate to estimate, not use a calcuator. Examples:

estimate 227 divided by 23: estimate (mine) 10
estimate 333 times 14: my estimate 3330+1300=4600

Estimate usually means "approximately", and estimates are results of mental math, not calculators.

so i answered all 3 questions right. i wasn't sure about when it said estimate the number of things.

but i did this right? right?