What caused the background of the droping out of the schools?

Did the schools drop out of something?

Please rephrase your question.

Are you looking for the history of people dropping out of school?

Or are you asking why young people today drop out of school?

Why today young people drop-out io the primary schools?

Students do not drop out of primary school in many countries.

For what country do you need this information?

To determine the causes behind the dropout rate in schools, several factors need to be considered. Here's an explanation of how you can understand the background and causes behind the dropout phenomenon:

1. Research existing studies: Start by examining research articles, reports, and studies conducted by educational institutions, government organizations, or non-profit organizations. These studies often explore the reasons behind school dropouts, which can provide valuable insights into the background of the issue.

2. Analyze demographic data: Look for demographic data related to dropout rates, such as age, gender, socio-economic status, and ethnicity. Analyzing this data can help identify patterns and correlations that may shed light on the underlying causes.

3. Review school policies and practices: Examine the school's policies and practices, including curriculum, teaching methods, extracurricular activities, and disciplinary measures. These factors can influence student engagement, motivation, and overall school experience, potentially impacting dropout rates.

4. Consider socio-economic factors: Socio-economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and income inequality have been linked to higher dropout rates. Explore the socio-economic conditions of the communities where the schools are situated to gain a comprehensive understanding of the broader context.

5. Assess family and personal circumstances: Family and personal circumstances can also contribute to students dropping out of school. Factors like family support, parental education level, involvement, and stability, as well as individual challenges like learning disabilities, mental health issues, or peer pressures, can all play a role.

6. Engage with stakeholders: Talk to educators, students, parents, and community members to gain their perspectives on the issue. Conduct interviews, surveys, or focus groups to gather qualitative data, which can offer valuable firsthand insights into the background causes of dropout rates.

By considering these approaches, you can better understand the background behind the dropout phenomenon, identify common factors, and develop informed strategies to address and minimize dropout rates.