What is the subject in the sentences below?

1. Each person in this class has a desire to be successful.
a. each
b. person
c. class
d. successful
e. there is no subject in the sentence

2. The first assignment for this class is this quiz.
a. first
b. assignment
c. class
d. quiz

3. Would you care for a cup of coffee?
a. would
b. you
c. cup
d. coffee

3. b

All correct, yes.

Thanks. God bless!

To identify the subject in a sentence, you need to find the word or words that the sentence is about – the noun or pronoun that is performing the action or being described. Here's how you can find the subject in each of the sentences:

1. Each person in this class has a desire to be successful.
To find the subject in this sentence, ask yourself "Who has a desire to be successful?" The answer is "Each person." Therefore, the subject is "person," making the correct answer b. "person."

2. The first assignment for this class is this quiz.
To find the subject in this sentence, ask yourself "What is the first assignment?" The answer is "assignment." Therefore, the subject is "assignment," making the correct answer b. "assignment."

3. Would you care for a cup of coffee?
To find the subject in this sentence, ask yourself "Who would care for a cup of coffee?" The answer is "you." Therefore, the subject is "you," making the correct answer b. "you."

Therefore, the answers are:
1. b. person
2. b. assignment
3. b. you