Somebody at my school said that Jiskha homework help blocked them from posting answers for no reason. That person is a big bully and I don't believe him. Is that true? Why would that happen...?

Hello Kitty :-)

We have blocked people who spam the board or who several times have posted the wrong answers or posted other inappropriate messages.

What do you mean by spam the board?

What if the person who posted the wrong answers actually thought he was right? But he did not know he was wrong?? Would you still block him? Can you ever get unblocked??

Posting a bunch of questions sequentially (one right after the other) with no work on the part of the student in an apparent bid for us to do all of his/her homework. USUALLY, however, if that happens we post a note to that student that we have deleted all of the posts and that they can repost if they wish to show what work they have done. Usually the only ones that can't post are those that have posted inappropriate remarks and for which they have been warned.

Most of the time, if we see an incorrect answer, we simply post our own answer with a note the "anonymous or whomever" has given an incorrect answer. But if that person continues over time to give incorrect answers we often suggest they not post answers anymore unless they are positive. I think the correct answer to your original question is no, that isn't true. We do block some but never without a reason and never without a warning OR without a note as to why they have been blocked.

Hello Kitty! I understand your confusion and concern about Jiskha homework help. While I don't have specific information about individual cases, I can explain how moderation on online platforms like Jiskha generally works.

Online platforms often employ moderators to ensure that the content shared meets community guidelines and doesn't violate any rules. These guidelines are in place to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users. Moderators review and monitor user-generated content, such as answers, comments, and posts, to ensure they align with the platform's guidelines.

If someone claims to have been blocked or prevented from posting answers on Jiskha for no reason, it could be due to a variety of factors. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Violation of guidelines: It's possible that the person in question may have posted answers that violated Jiskha's community guidelines. This could include sharing inappropriate or misleading information, engaging in bullying or harassment, or violating copyright rules.

2. Multiple violations: If someone consistently violates the guidelines despite warnings, a moderator may decide to impose more severe actions, such as temporarily or permanently blocking them from posting.

3. Technical issues: Occasionally, technical glitches or errors can mistakenly prevent someone from posting answers. If this is the case, it is usually resolved by contacting the Jiskha support team.

It's important to remember that moderation decisions are typically made to ensure the platform remains a safe and reliable resource for everyone. If you encounter any specific issues or have concerns about content moderation on Jiskha, I recommend reaching out directly to the Jiskha team for clarification and assistance.