500 students paid rete of £7.50 and the remainder paid the full adult rete of£10.what was the total amount of money paid to the cinema that night?

number of people who paid reduced rate ---x

number of adult rates --- 500-x

Total amount paid = 7.5x + 10(500-x)
= 7.5x + 5000 - 10x
= 5000 - 2.5x

Was there more information? That is as far as you can go with what you have.

Is "rete" supposed to be the "rate" (cost) of a cinema ticket?

You have omitted necessary information on the total number of people attending.

The total ticket revenue cannot be computed without knowing the number of adult tickets sold.

To find the total amount of money paid to the cinema, we need to calculate the total amount paid by the students who paid £7.50 and the students who paid the full adult rate of £10.

Let's start by calculating the number of students who paid £7.50. We know that there were 500 students in total. However, not all of them paid the reduced rate.

Let's assume there were 'x' students who paid £7.50. So, the number of students who paid the full adult rate would be (500 - x), as the remaining students paid £10.

Now, let's calculate the amount paid by the students who paid £7.50:
Amount paid by each student = £7.50
Number of students = x

Total amount paid by the students who paid £7.50 = £7.50 * x

Next, let's calculate the amount paid by the students who paid the full adult rate:
Amount paid by each student = £10
Number of students = (500 - x)

Total amount paid by the students who paid the full adult rate = £10 * (500 - x)

Finally, to find the total amount of money paid to the cinema, we need to sum these two amounts:
Total amount = Total amount paid by the students who paid £7.50 + Total amount paid by the students who paid the full adult rate

Total amount = £7.50 * x + £10 * (500 - x)

You will need to know the value of 'x' (the number of students who paid £7.50) to determine the exact total amount paid to the cinema.