Which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?

A. A narrow wind complains all day.
B. The fog comes on little cat feet.
C. She floated graceful as a dove.
D. Spring is a dream unsung.

What is your choice?


A. A narrow wind complains all day.

The best way to determine which line illustrates personification is to understand what personification means. Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to non-human entities or objects. To identify personification in a sentence or line, look for descriptions or actions that could only be performed by humans.

Let's analyze each option to find the line that fits the definition of personification:

Option A: "A narrow wind complains all day." This line does not entail any human attributes to the wind. Instead, it describes the sound the wind makes. Therefore, this option does not illustrate personification.

Option B: "The fog comes on little cat feet." In this line, the fog is given the ability to move in a manner associated with a cat, which is a characteristic of a living creature. This line personifies the fog, making it the correct answer.

Option C: "She floated graceful as a dove." This line uses a simile, comparing someone's gracefulness to that of a dove. While it contains imagery, it does not attribute human qualities to a non-human entity. Hence, this option does not illustrate personification.

Option D: "Spring is a dream unsung." Though it has a metaphorical meaning, this line does not assign human qualities or actions to Spring itself. It is a metaphorical statement, not personification.

Therefore, the line that best illustrates personification is B. "The fog comes on little cat feet."