Factor completly


I get 3s(s-4)-2(s-4)

but I don't think I can go farther is this non factorable?

You are on the right track. Now factor out the s-4 and you get


Thank you

To factor the quadratic expression 3s^2 - 14s + 8 completely, let's check if we can simplify it further using the method you applied.

You correctly applied the distributive property to factor out the greatest common factor, which is 1, from the expression. Thus, you obtained 3s(s-4) - 2(s-4).

Now, notice that both terms in the expression 3s(s-4) - 2(s-4) have a common factor of (s-4). Therefore, we can factor out (s-4) from both terms:

3s(s-4) - 2(s-4)
= (s-4)(3s - 2)

Therefore, the completely factored form of the quadratic expression 3s^2 - 14s + 8 is (s-4)(3s - 2).

You were indeed able to factor it further, and the final factored form is (s-4)(3s - 2).