I need help! The question is what numbers for which the rational expression is underfined in 8/9x+7

If you meant it the way you typed it there is no restriction.

if you mean 8/(9x) + 7 , then x≠0
if you meant 8/(9x+7) , then x ≠ -7/9

see how important correct placement of brackets is ?

To determine the numbers for which the rational expression 8/(9x+7) is undefined, we need to identify the values of "x" that would result in a denominator of zero. Remember, in mathematics, division by zero is undefined.

In this case, the expression has a denominator of (9x+7). So, we need to find the values of "x" that would make the denominator equal to zero:

9x + 7 = 0

To solve this equation for "x", subtract 7 from both sides of the equation:

9x = -7

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 9 to isolate "x":

x = -7/9

Therefore, the rational expression 8/(9x+7) is undefined when x = -7/9, as it would result in division by zero.