I need to write a paragraph on Identifying the demographics and characteristics of my customer( or consumer). What the customer needs will my product attempt to meet?

My product or business is a shoe company that sells for all ages and all shoes sizes.

Obviously, your customer needs shoes (don't we all?) You need to identify whether your company is selling inexpensive or expensive shoes.

The comfort, amount of space shoe provides, sweat absorption quality, and what type of shoe is it for sports...dancing?
design.. and color even..that attracts most customers.. in the "in" trendy color that is in season ..


I need kind of an example to show me exactly how to phrase it.

Identifying the demographics and characteristics of my customers is crucial for my shoe company that sells shoes for all ages and all shoe sizes. My product aims to meet the diverse needs of customers who require affordable footwear. For instance, I need to consider the comfort level, space provided, and sweat absorption quality of the shoes. It is important to determine whether the shoes are intended for sports, dancing, or other specific activities. Additionally, the design and color of the shoes play a significant role in attracting customers. It is essential to offer trendy colors and designs that are in season, keeping up with the latest fashion trends. By considering these factors, I can effectively meet the needs and preferences of my target customers.