A charged particle is hanging from the side of a wall by means of an uncharged string. The wall has a negative charge producing a horizontal electric field. The particle has a mass of .01 Kg. and charge of -80(micro)C and is suspended by a string .3m long. The electric force on the ball is .032N. What forces are acting on the ball? What is the magnitude and direction of ball? How far away is the ball from the wall? When the strong is cut 1) What is acceleration and magnitude? 2) Describe the path of the ball.

Electric and gravitational forces are on the ball. Electric horizontal, gravity vertical

measuring theta from the wall, the string hangs at tanTheta= electricforce/mg= Eq/mg

Thank you,

How would I calculate acceleration and magnitude once the ball is cut?

To find the forces acting on the ball, we need to consider two main forces: the gravitational force and the electric force. Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Gravitational Force: The force due to gravity can be calculated using the formula Fgrav = mg, where "m" is the mass of the object and "g" is the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, the mass of the ball is 0.01 Kg. Assuming Earth's gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2, the gravitational force on the ball would be Fgrav = (0.01 Kg) * (9.8 m/s^2).

2. Electric Force: The electric force experienced by a charged particle in an electric field is given by the formula Felec = qE, where "q" is the charge of the particle and "E" is the electric field strength. In this case, the charge on the ball is -80 microCoulombs (-80 μC) and the electric field is provided by the negative charge on the wall.

3. Magnitude and Direction of Ball: To determine the magnitude and direction of the ball, we need to consider the net force acting on it. Net force is the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object. Since the gravitational force and electric force occur in opposite directions, the net force can be calculated by subtracting the electric force from the gravitational force: Fnet = Fgrav - Felec. The magnitude of the net force is 0.032N as provided in the question.

4. Distance from the Wall: The string is fixed and uncharged, so it does not play a role in determining the distance between the ball and the wall.

5. Acceleration and Magnitude after Cutting the String: When the string is cut, the only force acting on the ball will be the electric force by the negative charge on the wall. The electric force will accelerate the ball in the direction of the electric field, according to Newton's second law (F = ma). The magnitude of the acceleration can be calculated using a = F/m, where "F" is the electric force (as given in the question) and "m" is the mass of the ball. The magnitude of acceleration will be the same as the electric force due to the absence of other forces.

6. Path of the Ball: After cutting the string, the ball will move in a straight line along the direction of the electric field. This is because there are no other forces acting on the ball to alter its motion.

Remember to use the given values and formulas to calculate the specific values for each step of the problem.