If the continents were drawn on a Mercator map, would your chances of finding a fit have been improved? Explain.

I do not know what you used for a projection method but a globe would work best I think. Kelly Haley Jess

Yes, if the continents were drawn on a Mercator map, the chances of finding a fit would have been improved compared to other map projections. The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection that accurately represents lines of latitude and longitude as straight parallel lines, which is not the case with most other types of map projections.

This characteristic of the Mercator projection makes it useful for navigation purposes as it preserves angles and shapes. However, the drawback is that it distorts the relative size of land areas significantly as you move away from the equator towards the poles. The distortion is particularly noticeable for the polar regions, where the land masses appear enlarged.

Since the continents are distributed across different parts of the Earth, using the Mercator projection would result in a less noticeable distortion of their shapes and sizes compared to other map projections. However, it is important to note that even with the Mercator projection, there would still be some distortion, albeit less compared to other projections.

To answer this question, we need to understand what a Mercator map is and how it distorts the representation of continents. The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection that was developed by Gerardus Mercator in the 16th century. It is commonly used for navigation purposes because it preserves angles and shapes, making it useful for measuring distances and determining directions.

However, the Mercator projection also introduces significant distortions as you move further away from the equator. Specifically, areas near the poles are disproportionately larger than they actually are on the Earth, while areas near the equator appear smaller. This effect is known as "Mercator distortion."

Now, let's address the question. If the continents were drawn on a Mercator map, the chances of finding a fit would not necessarily be improved. In fact, the Mercator projection could exacerbate the difficulty of finding a fit.

The distortion caused by the Mercator projection makes it challenging to accurately represent the size and shape of continents, particularly those located at higher latitudes. For example, Greenland appears larger than Africa on a Mercator map, even though Africa is actually 14 times larger. Similarly, Antarctica appears larger than it truly is.

When attempting to match the shapes of continents, the distortions introduced by the Mercator projection can mislead us. The relative sizes and shapes of continents may be misrepresented, thus hindering accurate comparisons or fits.

To improve the chances of finding a fit, it would be more appropriate to use a map projection that aims to minimize distortions, such as the Robinson projection or the Winkel Tripel projection. These projections prioritize balancing size and shape distortions across the entire map, resulting in a more accurate representation of continents' sizes and shapes.