A golf ball is hit with a velocity of 24.5 m/s at 35.0 degrees above the horizontal. Find

a) the range of the ball, and

b) the maximum height of the ball

a) Well, if a ball wants to find its range, it should consider joining a dating app! Just kidding! But seriously, the range of the ball can be found using some math magic. First, let's break down the initial velocity into its horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component is given by v₀ * cosθ, where v₀ is the initial velocity and θ is the angle above the horizontal. In this case, it would be 24.5 m/s * cos(35°). Now, the total time of flight can be found using the vertical component of the velocity. It can be calculated using the formula t = 2* (v₀ * sinθ)/g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Now, to calculate the range, we just multiply the horizontal component of the velocity with the total time of flight. It's like connecting the two dots of a love story! Voila, you'll have the range in meters.

b) Now, let's talk about the ball's sky-high ambitions! To find the maximum height of the ball, we need to consider the vertical component of the velocity. This time, we use the formula v = v₀ * sinθ - g * t, where v is the velocity at any given point, v₀ is the initial velocity, θ is the angle above the horizontal, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time. The ball will reach its maximum height when the vertical component of the velocity becomes zero, because, well, what goes up must come down! So we set v to zero, and we can solve for t using this equation. Once you find the time, plug it back into the formula h = v₀ * sinθ * t - (1/2) * g * t², and there you have it, the maximum height of the ball! The sky's the limit! Or maybe it's just the maximum height in meters.

To find the range of the golf ball, we need to determine the horizontal distance it travels before hitting the ground.

a) The range of the ball can be calculated using the formula:

Range = (velocity^2 * sin(2 * angle)) / gravity

- velocity = 24.5 m/s (initial velocity of the ball)
- angle = 35.0 degrees (angle above the horizontal)
- gravity = 9.8 m/s^2 (acceleration due to gravity)

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Range = (24.5^2 * sin(2 * 35.0)) / 9.8

Now, let's calculate it:

Range = (599.25 * sin(70)) / 9.8
Range ≈ 40.6 meters

Therefore, the range of the golf ball is approximately 40.6 meters.

b) To find the maximum height of the ball, we can use the formula:

Maximum height = (velocity^2 * sin^2(angle)) / (2 * gravity)

Substituting the given values into the formula:

Maximum height = (24.5^2 * sin^2(35.0)) / (2 * 9.8)

Now, let's calculate it:

Maximum height = (599.25 * sin^2(35.0)) / 19.6
Maximum height ≈ 24.2 meters

Therefore, the maximum height of the golf ball is approximately 24.2 meters.

To find the range of the golf ball, we need to consider its horizontal motion. The range is the horizontal distance traveled by the ball before it hits the ground. We can use the given initial velocity and launch angle to find the range.

a) Range of the Ball:
To find the range, we can break down the initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component of the velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical component changes due to the force of gravity.

The horizontal component of velocity (Vx) can be found using the equation:
Vx = V * cos(theta)
where V is the magnitude of the initial velocity (24.5 m/s) and theta is the launch angle (35.0 degrees).

Vx = 24.5 m/s * cos(35.0 degrees)
Vx = 19.97 m/s (rounded to two decimal places)

Next, we can find the time of flight (t) of the ball. The time of flight is the total time the ball remains in the air before hitting the ground. We can find it using the following equation:
t = (2 * Vy) / g
where Vy is the vertical component of the initial velocity and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximated as 9.8 m/s^2).

To find Vy, we can use the equation:
Vy = V * sin(theta)

Vy = 24.5 m/s * sin(35.0 degrees)
Vy = 14.09 m/s (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, we can substitute the value of Vy into the equation for time of flight:
t = (2 * 14.09 m/s) / 9.8 m/s^2
t = 2.87 seconds (rounded to two decimal places)

Finally, we can find the range (R) using the equation:
R = Vx * t

R = 19.97 m/s * 2.87 s
R ≈ 57.26 meters (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the range of the golf ball is approximately 57.26 meters.

b) Maximum Height of the Ball:
To find the maximum height of the ball, we need to consider its vertical motion. At the maximum height, the vertical component of the velocity will be zero.

To find the time it takes for the ball to reach the maximum height, we can use the equation:
t = Vy / g

Substituting the value of Vy we found earlier:
t = 14.09 m/s / 9.8 m/s^2
t ≈ 1.44 seconds (rounded to two decimal places)

To find the maximum height (H), we can use the equation:
H = Vy * t - (1/2) * g * t^2

Substituting the values:
H = 14.09 m/s * 1.44 s - (1/2) * 9.8 m/s^2 * (1.44 s)^2
H ≈ 11.5 meters (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, the maximum height of the golf ball is approximately 11.5 meters.

d = (24.5)^2(sin(2*35º)/9.8 =

h = (24.5)^2(sin^2(35º)/2(9.8) =