Writing in Math: Write a word problem using the number sentence 4.23 x 10 = 42.3. I don't understand how to answer this question

Ten students each brought $4.23 to donate to the class party. How much money did they have all together?

4.23 10 times is 42.3

Ten people brought $4.23 to give to the bookstore.How much money did they have all together?

Sure! Here's a word problem using the number sentence 4.23 x 10 = 42.3:

Maria is a cashier at a supermarket. In one hour, she scans an average of 4.23 items. If Maria works for 10 hours straight without taking a break, how many items will she have scanned in total?

To solve this problem, you need to multiply the number of items scanned per hour (4.23) by the number of hours worked (10).

So, the equation would be 4.23 x 10 = 42.3.

Therefore, Maria will have scanned a total of 42.3 items during her 10-hour shift.

Remember, in multiplication, when you multiply a number by 10, all you need to do is move the decimal point one place to the right. That's why 4.23 x 10 equals 42.3.